July 27, 1943
Secretariat Air Secret No. 1497

The aircraft nomenclature standard will be established as in the annex.


Aircraft NOMENCLATURE Standard
  1. Designations
Plane TypeDesignation StandardExamples
Fighter PlanesWeatherJinrai [Thunderclap], Hiden [Lightning Flash], Shiden [Violet Lightning], Jinpū [Gust], Raiden [Thunderbolt], Senpū [Whirlwind]
Recon PlanesCloudsZuiun [Auspicious Cloud], Shiun [Violet Cloud], Gyōun [Dawn Cloud], Saiun [Iridescent Cloud], Keiun [Scenic Cloud], Ryōun [Cloud Piercer]
Bomber PlanesConstellationsTenba [Pegasus], Ginga [Galaxy], Tenga [Milky Way], Hokuto [Big Dipper], Suisei [Comet], Mokusei [Jupiter]
Attacker PlanesMountainsTenzan [Heavenly Mountain], Enzan [Far Mountain], Renzan [Mountain Range], Nanzan [South Mountain], Taizan [Great Mountain], Shinzan [Mountain Recess]
Patrol PlanesSeaTōkai [East Sea], Nankai [South Sea], Seikai [West Sea], Shikai [Four Seas], Zekkai [Distant Sea], Hokkai [North Sea]
Transport PlanesSkySōkū [Blue Sky], Hekikū [Azure Sky], Seikū [Clear Sky], Tenkū [Firmament]
Trainer PlanesPlants,
Shiragiku [White Chrysanthemum], Momiji [Red Leaf], Seiran [Mountain Vapor], Ōka [Cherry Blossom]
  1. Nomenclature Method

    Assign names sequentially in the following order:
    1. The designation.
      However, for trainers, follow the designation with “Trainer”.
    2. Two numerals that indicate the model of airframe and engine.
      (the tens place indicates model of airframe, the ones place indicates model of engine)
      However, use “Model 11” when newly adopting airframes and engines; and for remodeling service planes into trainer planes.
      1. Land-based attacker adopted in Imperial Year 2605:
        “Tenzan Model 11”
      2. Interceptor adopted in Imperial Year 2615 gets an engine change:
        “Jinrai Model 12”
      3. Jinrai Model 12 is converted into a trainer:
        “Jinrai Trainer Model 11”
  2. Degree of Confidentiality
    1. Service Planes:
      1. Consider restricted.
      2. The following designations will be used in public announcements:
        “Navy Ship-Based Airplane”
        “Navy Land-Based Airplane”
        “Navy Sea-Based Airplane”
        “Navy Flying Boat”
    2. Trainers:
      The same name will be used internally and publicly as ordinary.